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Predicting Stars, Galaxies and Quasars with Machine Learning || Hands-on Project || Spartificial
Machine Learning in Astronomy: Classification of Stars, Galaxies, and Quasars using the SDSS Data.
Using Machine Learning to Classify Stars
M6V10 - Loading the Model and Making Predictions - Artificial Intelligence for Lunar Exploration
M5V8 - Getting Started with Code Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence for Lunar Exploration
M5V11 - Function for Prediction and Cost Calculation - Artificial Intelligence for Lunar Exploration
Predicting a Pulsar Star using Machine Learning.
M6V9 - Project Setup for Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence for Lunar Exploration
Machine Learning Method for Star Identification
Star Type Prediction (K-Fold Model Evaluation) - Data Every Day #158
M5V10 - Plot and ML Model Parameters - Artificial Intelligence for Lunar Exploration
Data Science in Astronomy || Webinar by Spartificial